User Guide: Public API Endpoints for Map Data

2025-01-05 - BY Wanderer Team

Learn how to use the Wanderer public API endpoints to retrieve system and character data from your map. This guide covers available endpoints, request examples, and sample responses.


As part of the Wanderer platform, a public API has been introduced to help users programmatically retrieve map data, such as system information and character tracking details. This guide explains how to use these endpoints, how to authenticate with the API, and what data to expect in the responses.

Important: To use these endpoints, you need a valid API key for the map in question. You can generate or copy this key from within the Map Settings modal in the app:

Generate Map API Key


Each request to the Wanderer APIs that being with /api/map must include a valid API key in the Authorization header. The format is:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_MAP_API_KEY>

If the API key is missing or incorrect, you’ll receive a 401 Unauthorized response.

No api key is required for routes that being with /api/common

Endpoints Overview

1. List Systems

GET /api/map/systems?map_id=<UUID>
GET /api/map/systems?slug=<map-slug>
  • Description: Retrieves a list of systems associated with the specified map (by map_id or slug).
  • Authentication: Required via Authorization header.
  • Parameters:
    • map_id (optional if slug is provided) — the UUID of the map.
    • slug (optional if map_id is provided) — the slug identifier of the map.
    • all=true (optional) — if set, returns all systems instead of only “visible” systems.

Example Request

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED_TOKEN>" ""

Example Response

      "data": [
          "id": "<REDACTED_ID>",
          "name": "<REDACTED_NAME>",
          "status": 0,
          "tag": null,
          "visible": false,
          "description": null,
          "labels": "<REDACTED_JSON>",
          "inserted_at": "2025-01-01T13:38:42.875843Z",
          "updated_at": "2025-01-01T13:40:16.750234Z",
          "locked": false,
          "solar_system_id": <REDACTED_NUMBER>,
          "map_id": "<REDACTED_ID>",
          "custom_name": null,
          "position_x": 1125,
          "position_y": -285

2. Show Single System

GET /api/map/system?id=<SOLAR_SYSTEM_ID>&map_id=<UUID>
GET /api/map/system?id=<SOLAR_SYSTEM_ID>&slug=<map-slug>
  • Description: Retrieves information for a specific system on the specified map. You must provide:
    • id (the solar_system_id).
    • Either map_id or slug.
  • Authentication: Required via Authorization header.

Example Request

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED_TOKEN>" "<REDACTED_NUMBER>&slug=<REDACTED_SLUG>"

Example Response

      "data": {
        "id": "<REDACTED_ID>",
        "name": "<REDACTED_NAME>",
        "status": 0,
        "tag": null,
        "visible": false,
        "description": null,
        "labels": "<REDACTED_JSON>",
        "inserted_at": "2025-01-03T06:30:02.069090Z",
        "updated_at": "2025-01-03T07:47:07.471051Z",
        "locked": false,
        "solar_system_id": <REDACTED_NUMBER>,
        "map_id": "<REDACTED_ID>",
        "custom_name": null,
        "position_x": 1005,
        "position_y": 765

2. Show Single System Static Info

GET /api/common/static-system-info?id=<SOLAR_SYSTEM_ID>
  • Description: Retrieves the static information for a specific system.

  • Authentication: No API token required

Example Request

    curl "

Example Response

  "data": {
    "solar_system_id": 31002229,
    "triglavian_invasion_status": "Normal",
    "solar_system_name": "J132946",
    "system_class": 5,
    "region_id": 11000028,
    "constellation_id": 21000278,
    "solar_system_name_lc": "j132946",
    "constellation_name": "E-C00278",
    "region_name": "E-R00028",
    "security": "-1.0",
    "type_description": "Class 5",
    "class_title": "C5",
    "is_shattered": false,
    "effect_name": null,
    "effect_power": 5,
    "statics": [
    "wandering": [
    "sun_type_id": 38

3. List Tracked Characters

GET /api/map/characters?map_id=<UUID>
GET /api/map/characters?slug=<map-slug>
  • Description: Retrieves a list of tracked characters for the specified map (by map_id or slug), including metadata such as corporation/alliance details.
  • Authentication: Required via Authorization header.

Example Request

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED_TOKEN>" ""

Example Response

      "data": [
          "id": "<REDACTED_ID>",
          "character": {
            "id": "<REDACTED_ID>",
            "name": "<REDACTED_NAME>",
            "inserted_at": "2025-01-01T05:24:18.461721Z",
            "updated_at": "2025-01-03T07:45:52.294052Z",
            "alliance_id": "<REDACTED>",
            "alliance_name": "<REDACTED>",
            "alliance_ticker": "<REDACTED>",
            "corporation_id": "<REDACTED>",
            "corporation_name": "<REDACTED>",
            "corporation_ticker": "<REDACTED>",
            "eve_id": "<REDACTED>"
          "tracked": true,
          "map_id": "<REDACTED_ID>"

4. Kills Activity

GET /api/map/systems-kills?map_id=<UUID>
GET /api/map/systems-kills?slug=<map-slug>"
  • Description: Retrieves the kill activity for the specified map (by map_id or slug), including details on the attacker and victim

Example Request

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED_TOKEN>" ""

Example Response

      "data": [
          "kills": [
              "attacker_count": 1,
              "final_blow_alliance_id": 99013806,
              "final_blow_alliance_ticker": "TCE",
              "final_blow_char_id": 2116802670,
              "final_blow_char_name": "Bambi Bunny",
              "final_blow_corp_id": 98140648,
              "final_blow_corp_ticker": "GNK3D",
              "final_blow_ship_name": "Thrasher",
              "final_blow_ship_type_id": 16242,
              "kill_time": "2025-01-21T21:00:59Z",
              "killmail_id": 124181782,
              "npc": false,
              "solar_system_id": 30002768,
              "total_value": 10000,
              "victim_alliance_id": null,
              "victim_char_id": 2121725410,
              "victim_char_name": "Bill Drummond",
              "victim_corp_id": 98753095,
              "victim_corp_ticker": "KSTJK",
              "victim_ship_name": "Capsule",
              "victim_ship_type_id": 670,
              "zkb": {
                "awox": false,
                "destroyedValue": 10000,
                "droppedValue": 0,
                "fittedValue": 10000,
                "hash": "777148f8bf344bade68a6a0821bfe0a37491a7a6",
                "labels": ["cat:6","#:1","pvp","loc:highsec"],
                "locationID": 50014064,
                "npc": false,
                "points": 1,
                "solo": false,
                "totalValue": 10000
              "attacker_count": 3,
              "final_blow_alliance_id": null,
              "final_blow_char_id": null,
              "final_blow_corp_id": null,
              "final_blow_ship_type_id": 3740,
              "kill_time": "2025-01-21T21:00:38Z",
              "killmail_id": 124181769,
              "npc": true,
              "solar_system_id": 30002768,
              "total_value": 2656048.48,
              "victim_alliance_id": 99013806,
              "victim_alliance_ticker": "TCE",
              "victim_char_id": 2116802745,
              "victim_char_name": "Brittni Bunny",
              "victim_corp_id": 98140648,
              "victim_corp_ticker": "GNK3D",
              "victim_ship_name": "Coercer",
              "victim_ship_type_id": 16236,
              "zkb": {
                "awox": false,
                "destroyedValue": 2509214.44,
                "droppedValue": 146834.04,
                "fittedValue": 2607449.82,
                "hash": "d3dd6b8833b2a9d36dd5a3eecf9838c4c8b01acd",
                "labels": ["cat:6","#:2+","npc","loc:highsec"],
                "locationID": 50014064,
                "npc": true,
                "points": 1,
                "solo": false,
                "totalValue": 2656048.48
          "solar_system_id": 30002768


Using these APIs, you can programmatically retrieve system and character information from your map. Whether you’re building a custom analytics dashboard, a corp management tool, or just want to explore data outside the standard UI, these endpoints provide a straightforward way to fetch up-to-date map details.

For questions or additional support, please reach out to the Wanderer Team.